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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
玻璃蝦球:size 比一般大一倍,蝦味略遜,但仍出眾,夠睇頭 。
蝦子柚皮:蝦子野味,醬汁出色,90 分。
菜式味道偏淡,廚藝不俗但來貨不是頂班,好食但不平宜,是夜消費兩位八百餘元。(只收 Visa Master,不收 AE。)
玻璃蝦球:size 比一般大一倍,蝦味略遜,但仍出眾,夠睇頭 。
蝦子柚皮:蝦子野味,醬汁出色,90 分。
菜式味道偏淡,廚藝不俗但來貨不是頂班,好食但不平宜,是夜消費兩位八百餘元。(只收 Visa Master,不收 AE。)
Click to see
Sunday, November 11, 2007
食肆短評 - 5
威記粥店: 粥底不俗,碎牛和魚片都很新鮮,粥內薑絲相信是即日生切。齋腸米味甚濃,十分滿意,一共吃了兩碟!這廿四元真是花到極緻!
泰國人海南雞 : 去骨雞肉滑溜但欠雞味,三十六元已算十分不錯,整體味道比翠華好。
御品軒:所謂的崩沙腩五嚿得二嚿腍,命中率比九記低 (五嚿有四嚿腍) ; 廣東式水餃相信是即日鮮包,十分出色;湯底 ok;河粉一般;燉蛋號稱用甚麽水牛乳製,全港只此一家,吃落像 cold egg custard,蛋味比義順遜色,味較羶,像日式甜品;木製坐椅設計眼高手低,坐不穩,四處搖。食物價錢偏貴,雙拼河 + 甜品一共 $71,不會再去。
富來紫砂飯店 :叫了一客黃膳煲仔飯和淮山子燉水魚。湯足料,兩位四碗,不多不少,味道尚可但吃不出水魚味。煲仔飯有別於一般坊間香口熱氣的風格,類近蒸飯 (但紫砂煲底有飯焦),黃膳味道一般,汁液未能滲入飯身,中規中矩之作。餐牌內有引述清代袁枚<<隨園食單 - 飯粥單>>,可惜未能於其出品中得到引證。是夜連茶芥花生 $148,是所『你都唔可以話佢唔好食』之食肆。
御品軒:所謂的崩沙腩五嚿得二嚿腍,命中率比九記低 (五嚿有四嚿腍) ; 廣東式水餃相信是即日鮮包,十分出色;湯底 ok;河粉一般;燉蛋號稱用甚麽水牛乳製,全港只此一家,吃落像 cold egg custard,蛋味比義順遜色,味較羶,像日式甜品;木製坐椅設計眼高手低,坐不穩,四處搖。食物價錢偏貴,雙拼河 + 甜品一共 $71,不會再去。
富來紫砂飯店 :叫了一客黃膳煲仔飯和淮山子燉水魚。湯足料,兩位四碗,不多不少,味道尚可但吃不出水魚味。煲仔飯有別於一般坊間香口熱氣的風格,類近蒸飯 (但紫砂煲底有飯焦),黃膳味道一般,汁液未能滲入飯身,中規中矩之作。餐牌內有引述清代袁枚<<隨園食單 - 飯粥單>>,可惜未能於其出品中得到引證。是夜連茶芥花生 $148,是所『你都唔可以話佢唔好食』之食肆。
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
此餅不吃也罷 - 王亭之
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Korea's "Drink-Till-You-Die" Culture Gets Watered by Wine (Bloomberg Story)
By Seonjin Cha and Kyung Bok Cho
Oct. 31 (Bloomberg) -- With her daughter's wedding coming up, Rhew In Ae's gift to the groom's parents during Korea's three-day Chuseok festival took on special significance. She chose wine.
``I used to buy whiskey for important acquaintances,'' said the Seoul housewife, 52, who paid about $200 for two bottles of Chateau Talbot from France. ``But I know they will enjoy wine as a gift because of its commonly perceived elegance.''
Rhew wasn't the only one switching to wine for last month's harvest thanksgiving. Sales of gift sets rose 75 percent from the previous year at Lotte Shopping Co., South Korea's biggest
department-store chain, and doubled at Hyundai Department Store Co., the second largest.
Wine now is seeping into all levels of Korean society, from corporate executives aiming to impress business contacts to health-conscious youngsters rebelling against the country's hard-
drinking culture. Whiskey and the native soju, a liquor distilled from potatoes and grain, are falling out of favor among Asia's second-most enthusiastic tipplers.
``These days it's not so much of a drink-till-you-die mentality,'' said Kwon Doll, 33, a manager at software developer EZ Communications in Seoul. ``Offering wine makes you look smart and sophisticated.''
As those aspirations rise, the country's leading business groups are tapping into the trend.
Samsung Electronics Co., Asia's largest maker of flat screens for televisions, has sold more than 5.2 million Bordeaux-model TVs since 2006, the company said. The TV resembles a wine glass, with a curved panel resting on a thin stem.
Wine for Gas
SK Energy Co., Korea's biggest oil refiner, uses wine to sell premium gasoline. Drivers get a bottle of French wine for every 650,000 won ($690) of fuel they buy.
``The reaction has been very positive,'' said Park Jae Young, who markets gas at SK Energy. ``Drivers are keen on getting their wine.''
South Korea's 49 million people each consume an average 7.71 liters (2 gallons) of pure alcohol a year, the World Health Organization estimated in 2004. Only Thais throw back more in Asia, at 8.47 liters. Ugandans are the world's biggest drinkers, downing 19.47
liters per person. The French consume 13.54 liters, the British 10.39 liters and Americans 8.51 liters.
Koreans may be making up for lost time. Relaxed import curbs fueled a surge in wine consumption in the 1980s and purported health benefits bolstered sales in the 1990s, said Song Dong Hyun, a marketer at Doosan Corp., which makes and imports wine in Seoul.
Enthusiasm dried up after the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, when the economy shrank for the first time since 1980.
`Blow Away Stress'
The latest yen for wine may reflect a gross domestic product expanding by 5.2 percent. Imports of mainly French and Chilean wines jumped 76 percent to $96 million through August this year, government figures show.
Still, the shift also signals changing attitudes among young Koreans, said Micky Choi, president of Wine21.com, an online wine-appreciation club.
``People are looking for something cleaner and healthier,'' than bottles of soju or whiskey shots, said Choi, 42, whose most active members are in their 20s and 30s.``We don't need alcohol to blow away the stress anymore.''
Binge drinking accompanied the rapid urbanization and hard work that underpinned Korea's 400-fold economic expansion in less than 50 years, said Cho Surng Gie, who studies alcoholism at the Korean Alcohol Research Foundation in Goyang north of Seoul.
About 26 percent of Korean adults are ``high-risk'' drinkers -- defined as consuming one 360-milliliter (12-fluid ounce) bottle of soju per evening, according to the Health Ministry. The alcohol content of soju ranges from 19 percent to 25 percent.
`Drops of God'
Cho isn't convinced about a change in culture. Whatever they choose to drink, ``most Koreans still feel that once you open a bottle, you've got to finish it,'' he said.
Modern stress may stem more from which wine cork to pop. EZ Communications' Kwon pores over ``Kami no Shizuku,'' or ``The Drops of God,'' a Japanese manga comic that recommends varieties and delivers tips on appreciation.
In the latest edition of the comic, now in its 12th volume, the characters visit South Korea, remarking on ``a surge in the popularity of wine as never before.''
Wine appreciation classes also are taking off. In Seoul last month, 33 students who paid 4.5 million won for a 10-week class organized by Winies, a wine consultant, spent three hours
sniffing and sipping.
Knowledge of wine is ``a kind of common sense necessary for international business,'' said student Kim Se Min, 49, who is also executive vice president at Prudential Plc's life insurance unit in Seoul. ``I often have to entertain people from Europe or elsewhere for business, but it always felt awkward doing that without knowing about wine.''
Housewife Rhew confessed that she had scant knowledge of wine. Still, it was healthier and cheaper than whiskey, she said.
``It's a gift that satisfies both the givers and the receivers,'' Rhew said.
--With reporting by Bomi Lim in Seoul. Editors: Crisp (msp).
Oct. 31 (Bloomberg) -- With her daughter's wedding coming up, Rhew In Ae's gift to the groom's parents during Korea's three-day Chuseok festival took on special significance. She chose wine.
``I used to buy whiskey for important acquaintances,'' said the Seoul housewife, 52, who paid about $200 for two bottles of Chateau Talbot from France. ``But I know they will enjoy wine as a gift because of its commonly perceived elegance.''
Rhew wasn't the only one switching to wine for last month's harvest thanksgiving. Sales of gift sets rose 75 percent from the previous year at Lotte Shopping Co., South Korea's biggest
department-store chain, and doubled at Hyundai Department Store Co., the second largest.
Wine now is seeping into all levels of Korean society, from corporate executives aiming to impress business contacts to health-conscious youngsters rebelling against the country's hard-
drinking culture. Whiskey and the native soju, a liquor distilled from potatoes and grain, are falling out of favor among Asia's second-most enthusiastic tipplers.
``These days it's not so much of a drink-till-you-die mentality,'' said Kwon Doll, 33, a manager at software developer EZ Communications in Seoul. ``Offering wine makes you look smart and sophisticated.''
As those aspirations rise, the country's leading business groups are tapping into the trend.
Samsung Electronics Co., Asia's largest maker of flat screens for televisions, has sold more than 5.2 million Bordeaux-model TVs since 2006, the company said. The TV resembles a wine glass, with a curved panel resting on a thin stem.
Wine for Gas
SK Energy Co., Korea's biggest oil refiner, uses wine to sell premium gasoline. Drivers get a bottle of French wine for every 650,000 won ($690) of fuel they buy.
``The reaction has been very positive,'' said Park Jae Young, who markets gas at SK Energy. ``Drivers are keen on getting their wine.''
South Korea's 49 million people each consume an average 7.71 liters (2 gallons) of pure alcohol a year, the World Health Organization estimated in 2004. Only Thais throw back more in Asia, at 8.47 liters. Ugandans are the world's biggest drinkers, downing 19.47
liters per person. The French consume 13.54 liters, the British 10.39 liters and Americans 8.51 liters.
Koreans may be making up for lost time. Relaxed import curbs fueled a surge in wine consumption in the 1980s and purported health benefits bolstered sales in the 1990s, said Song Dong Hyun, a marketer at Doosan Corp., which makes and imports wine in Seoul.
Enthusiasm dried up after the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, when the economy shrank for the first time since 1980.
`Blow Away Stress'
The latest yen for wine may reflect a gross domestic product expanding by 5.2 percent. Imports of mainly French and Chilean wines jumped 76 percent to $96 million through August this year, government figures show.
Still, the shift also signals changing attitudes among young Koreans, said Micky Choi, president of Wine21.com, an online wine-appreciation club.
``People are looking for something cleaner and healthier,'' than bottles of soju or whiskey shots, said Choi, 42, whose most active members are in their 20s and 30s.``We don't need alcohol to blow away the stress anymore.''
Binge drinking accompanied the rapid urbanization and hard work that underpinned Korea's 400-fold economic expansion in less than 50 years, said Cho Surng Gie, who studies alcoholism at the Korean Alcohol Research Foundation in Goyang north of Seoul.
About 26 percent of Korean adults are ``high-risk'' drinkers -- defined as consuming one 360-milliliter (12-fluid ounce) bottle of soju per evening, according to the Health Ministry. The alcohol content of soju ranges from 19 percent to 25 percent.
`Drops of God'
Cho isn't convinced about a change in culture. Whatever they choose to drink, ``most Koreans still feel that once you open a bottle, you've got to finish it,'' he said.
Modern stress may stem more from which wine cork to pop. EZ Communications' Kwon pores over ``Kami no Shizuku,'' or ``The Drops of God,'' a Japanese manga comic that recommends varieties and delivers tips on appreciation.
In the latest edition of the comic, now in its 12th volume, the characters visit South Korea, remarking on ``a surge in the popularity of wine as never before.''
Wine appreciation classes also are taking off. In Seoul last month, 33 students who paid 4.5 million won for a 10-week class organized by Winies, a wine consultant, spent three hours
sniffing and sipping.
Knowledge of wine is ``a kind of common sense necessary for international business,'' said student Kim Se Min, 49, who is also executive vice president at Prudential Plc's life insurance unit in Seoul. ``I often have to entertain people from Europe or elsewhere for business, but it always felt awkward doing that without knowing about wine.''
Housewife Rhew confessed that she had scant knowledge of wine. Still, it was healthier and cheaper than whiskey, she said.
``It's a gift that satisfies both the givers and the receivers,'' Rhew said.
--With reporting by Bomi Lim in Seoul. Editors: Crisp (msp).
Thursday, November 1, 2007
近日銳意找出更多美食,專攻 openrice。細閱食評之時,除了鮮稿以外,更發覺有許多甚為無聊的報告,例如:美心 MX、大家樂、KFC、..... 。一式一樣的快餐店有啥可寫?當真一樣米養百樣人!比起學生時代的雙週記更為沉悶,救命!節錄垃圾如下:
...... (輪嚟輪去,只係輪到美心,仲要搞連續篇,真係人生多悲哀!)
日期: 2007 年 10 月 26 日
日期: 2007 年 10 月 30 日
每 年 這 個 時 候 總 要 到 大 家 樂
雖 知 不 是 名 貴 食 材
但 總 喜 歡 到 這 裡 烚 烚 下
........ (當真十吓十吓)
日期: 2007 年 10 月 28 日
又 和 男 友 試 快 餐 店 的 一 人 火 鍋 , 這 次 輪 到 美 心 了 。
...... (輪嚟輪去,只係輪到美心,仲要搞連續篇,真係人生多悲哀!)
日期: 2007 年 10 月 26 日

依 排 出 左 個 新 產 品 ,叫 香 酥 雞 腿 配 芥 蜜 醬 ,d 廣 告 賣 到 好 勁 ,終 於 去 試 下 !!
個 香 酥 雞 腿 完 全 唔 掂 ,凍 冰 冰 的 ,又 無 黎 味 道 ,個 芥 蜜 醬 同 麥 當 奴 個 蜜 糖 芥 末 醬 完 全 無 分 別 ,毫 無 可 取 之 處 !!!
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